Sep 5Liked by Authors4Harris, Deanne Stillman

Oof! Your writing leaves me breathless. As an escaped Ohian myself, one who heard that the 3 R's were Readin', Ritin', and Route 33 North, I can relate to both the scenario of folks low on the food chain trying to work their way up—crabs in a bucket, as you say—and to those who hold those people in distain, whether or not they will admit to it. Above all else, I am deeply ashamed that the Buckeye State has produced a chameleon, knuckle dragging, pig with lipstick like J.D. Vance. Thanks for the wonderful post!

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Wow, thx so much, Julie. Funny line about the 3 Rs...and I too am disturbed that Ohio has produced Vance and a number of others of his ilk. For more about my thoughts on Ohio, this may interest you, and appreciate your taking the time to weigh in here. https://aflwmag.com/2016/02/29/ohio-girl-how-i-traveled-the-n-y-l-a-fault-line-and-got-home-by-deanne-stillman/

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Sep 5Liked by Deanne Stillman

Deanne, I lack words to describe the resonance I feel with what you've written. I am truly humbled by your talent and feel so fortunate to have discovered you, at last. I look forward to reading much more of your work.

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Many many thx, Julie....that is very kind. And all the best with your writing.

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Sep 5Liked by Deanne Stillman

I will certainly give it a read, Deanne. Thanks! Feel free to pursue my Substack. You may find something of value, whether Ohio-related or otherwise. https://juliesnider1.substack.com

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Sep 10Liked by Deanne Stillman

What extraordinary writing in both this piece and "cancelling dinner with David Letterman." They say comedy is hard. I once acted onstage and didn't find it so hard but that was because I was still bottling up a rage that frightened me half to death. Comedy's birth is usually mothered by pain. Thank you for your beautiful, thoughtful words of how you found your way out of pain's paralysis.

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Many thanks for letting me know your thoughts about both of these pieces, and taking the time to read them. All the best -


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That's not going to help.

That never helps.

Trailer trash. White trash. Juggalo. Etc.

Stop being a condescending duck head when it comes to poor people.


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